Qira Basevi

Thirty-Six. Female. Ala Mhigan. Lady of House Vespertine.

Ala Mhigo was not a jewel of the desert by any stretch of the imagination, but that didn't stop the handful of more prosperous local merchants from lovingly referring to her as the gold mine in the mountains.Qira Cressida Basevi had been lucky enough to be born the first and only child of Isembar Basevi – a man who just so happened to be one of those prosperous merchants. She had a mother as well, of course, a Highland beauty through and through, but that rarely made the headlines when there was a wealthy, renowned man sharing the limelight. Isembar often travelled from his trading company's headquarters within Ala Mhigo and the bustling seaport where their ships operated out of, so it didn't seem a terrible thing to have a homestead within the city that the family could winter comfortably in while spending the more gentle seasons at their seaside estate.The instability of Ala Mhigo was already brewing by the time that Qira was born. There were riots and skirmishes here and there in distant corners of Gyr Abania – she would recall her father commenting on them at the breakfast table from behind an open periodical. His demeanor more giddy than one would expect, but then again he was hardly more than a war profiteer in a tailored suit. Ala Mhigo was not known for exporting only raw materials, but fighters and mercenaries as well to the highest bidder. There was nary a better fighter in all of Eorzea than an Ala Mhigan with a fat coin purse. The Mad King knew this and contracted the Basevi Trading Co. to supply forces to crush the civil unrest. Maintaining the status quo served Isembar's interests more than anything and so that is what he did.It was at the age of ten that Qira recalls the first, true, disruption to her life. As the civil war broke out with incidents in the city proper, she could recall leaving their home in a carriage with her mother and their most treasured valuables. She watched the houseman board up the windows as they pulled away. There was a sense of fear radiating from her mother, but Qira did not quite understand why. The young girl was excited to see if the Sea of Jade would freeze over in the winter or if the winds would leave them with terrible but beautiful ice storms. It was an adventure after all and the young Basevi girl had been cursed with an insatiable wanderlust that typically was quenched only through books chronicling the lives of true adventurers.There were things at the seaside estate that Qira did not oft see in the seasons she typically inhabited the home. The sheer number of hired help that looked after the property - from kitchen staff, to stable hands, to the hired mercenaries that got rid of anyone looking to loot the place while the Basevi family were in Ala Mhigo. But it had only been a matter of months before a darkness had swept the entirety of their nation in the form of magitek and Garlean propaganda.It was somewhere still during the early stages of invasion that the young Highlander girl was whisked away in the pre-dawn hours to an awaiting carriage that bore her west, first through the Shroud and ultimately the Holy See of Ishgard. The men and women who accompanied her wore the colors of her father's company and were paid handsomely as they delivered the bewildered child to one of Basevi Trading Company's wealthiest business partners, House Vespertine.Qira would spend the remainder of her formative years and then some as a ward of one of Ishgard's most highest of houses. It was a move that had caused a ripple in the closed nation's gossip circles. Vespertine was the last house any would have expected to take on a child from the outside, but the move had not been made lightly. His lordship and the staff of the house had always treated her well and made she she was looked after; over time, even outliers within the House had come to recognize Qira as one of their own despite appearances saying otherwise. There was one, however, who had never made her feel as such and that was the man whom she would call her brother for the rest of her days, Tiernan Vespertine. Serving as Master of Ships under the Lord Commander, Tiernan is a clever and shrewd businessman and naval combatant, but in the privacy of the Vespertine home he was the family and mentor that all but raised Qira. There was never a moment she went without, receiving the finest of education and wardrobe that any young woman could have asked for - Elezen or Highlander.Before the notion of reclaiming what was rightfully hers had even been born, Qira knew what she wanted to do. Years had been spent studying Nymian tactics and strategies; tales of how brilliant tacticians had kept the Machi Black Mages at bay at every turn fascinated her. So when she became of age, she went off to Limsa Lominsa to learn the art of becoming a Scholar so that she could aid her brother in his duties. When she returned to Ishgard she had a determination unlike before to match her new skill set. She would rebuild the Basevi Trading Co. from the ground up, searching far and wide to hire displaced Ala Mhigans as mercenaries. There were those who were distrustful of her at first, given the atrocities that her father had committed in the name of the Mad King, but fervor to clear her name and stoke a fire in her countrymen did not go unnoticed.Once she had built a formidable fighting force under her command, the Basevi Trading Co. pledged its loyalty to the place she had called home for over a decade and a half and aided the Ishgardians on the frontlines of the Dragonsong war. It would be another ten years before the rumblings of the Griffin and the return of Ala Mhigo's prodigal son, Raubahn that the Basevi Trading Co. would turn it's focus to reclaiming their homeland from the Garleans.

• High society Ala Mhigo before the Garlean invasion in her age range.
• High society Ishgardian in her age range.
• Served as a member of her house staff.
•Served in Garlean invasion or occupation force of Gyr Abania
•Ishgardians who take unkindly to outsiders in their society.
•Anyone she may have stepped on to climb a ladder for more power.
•Childhood friends while growing up in Ishgard reconnecting.
•Met/fling while serving in the Dragonsong War or liberation of Ala Mhigo.
• Extremely interested in: enemies to lovers, power dynamics (butler/lady of the house, bodyguard/ward), angst & drama.
• Not interested in single-use partners.
• Extreme BDSM dynamic preferred along with romance.
• Switch. (Domme with both male and female. Submissive to very limited few males, but loves both sides.
So you want the skinny quick and easy?
• Born and raised in Ala Mhigo/Gyr Abania - heiress to Basevi Trading Company.
• Garlean invasion happened at age ten, where she was placed in the care of House Vespertine.
• Both of her parents were killed at the hand of occupying forces when Qira was fourteen.
• Inherited Basevi Trading Co. upon reaching adulthood, though operation went primarily to aid in the Dragonsong War effort until it's end.
• With the appearance of the Griffin and rebellion in full swing, Qira turned all available resources towards the aiding of the storm of blood.
• Once Gyr Abania was free, HQ still seated in Ishgard.
• Basevi Trading Co. operates as Ishgard's premier source and exporter of Ala Mhigan fighters and other Gyr Abanian sundries.
• Despite there being no doubt in her heritage, Qira feels a disconnect knowing her plight was so miniscule compared to many of her countrymen and she wears it like an internal bleed.

Name: Qira Cressida Basevi
Age: Thirty-six
Nationality: Ala Mhigan
Religion: The Twelve - primarily Nymeia & Halone.
City of birth: Ala Mhigo
Current Residency: Flat in Ishgard and Ul'dah
Employment: Head of Basevi Trading Co.
Role: Businesswoman and Tactician
Marital Status: Single
Gender: Female
Pairings: Bisexual, Heteroromantic
Open to all RP (including mature and dark themes) that is lore-abiding within the setting of the game. Myself and my character are 30+. I am legally blind so make sure you whisper me if you want to get my attention because I may miss something in busy public chat. I am located within the US-Eastern time zone. I AFK a lot so sometimes getting me on discord may be easier. You can find me @ qira